Ingat 10 Kata Ini Saat Kamu Merasa Ingin Menyerah Payah
Momen ingin mengalah pasti pernah dialami oleh setiap orang. Putus cinta, duduk perkara dengan rekan, sampai gagal dalam menggapai cita-cita. Saat beban hidup kelewat berat dan kau merasa gak punya tenaga untuk bangun lagi. Kamu pun bakal merasa jadi pecundang dan ingin mengalah saja.
Ada kumpulan kata-kata ajaib dari the good quote yang bakal mencerahkan harimu dan membuatmu mampu bangun lagi saat harimu sedang terasa berat-beratnya. Apa saja?
1. "Never apologize for being who you are."
2. "Do not lower your standards. You deserve good things."
3. "You are enough. You have enough. Yo do enough."
4. "Acceptance of yourself is far more important than acceptance from others."
5. "Don't be so hard on yourself. You're doing your best."
6. "Just a reminder that you are whole without someone else. You are a complete masterpiece all by yourself."
7. "There is literally nothing in nature that blooms all year long. Don't expect yourself to do so either."
8. "Don't compare your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 20."
9. "Remember to be nice to yourself too."
10. "Stop punishing yourself. You didn't do anything wrong."
11. "Self-love isn't selfish."
12. "You are important and you exist for a reason."
13. "Your current situation does not have to be your akibat destination."
14. "All of this is temporary."
15. "Life is too short to spend it at war with yourself."
16. "Progress looks different on everyone."
17. "Have you loved you, today?"
Sudah merasa lebih baik?
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